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Childbirth and Care


Childbirth and Care

The delivery of each baby is as unique as its mother and child. Women may also experience completely different labor and delivery experiences with each new pregnancy. There is no denying that giving birth is a life-changing event that will have an impact on you for the rest of your life.

Normal delivery

In a normal delivery, the mother delivers the baby naturally without any medical interventions. Mothers are primarily concerned with how and in which position they will be comfortable delivering their babies during normal/vaginal deliveries. A woman can lead the birthing process from beginning to end.

Cesarean Section

In some cases, vaginal delivery may not be possible. For one or more of these reasons, Caesarean delivery (C-section) may be necessary for your safety and your baby's:

The baby is not lying in a head-down position. The baby is in a breech or transverse position instead.

The baby is too large to pass through the pelvis.

The baby is in distress.

More than one child is in your child.

You placenta lies over your cervix's opening. This condition is referred to as Placenta Previa.

You may have had an easy or complicated delivery. There may have been a cesarean section (C-section) or a vaginal delivery. It may have taken you a few hours or a few days to give birth. Regardless of how your delivery turned out, your body suffered a trauma. It will take time for you to recover.

Here are a few physical tips to remember:


During the first few weeks after giving birth, it is very important for you to rest as much as possible. Sleep when your baby sleeps or rest when he or she is asleep. You will be able to recover from this rest.

Avoiding heavy lifting:

During the recovery process, you should avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.

Washing your hands:

Take the time to wash your hands frequently, even if it seems like a small thing.

Caring for Your Baby:

It is exciting to hold and care for your new baby. The pain and discomfort of labor and the long journey of pregnancy are compensated by it for most women. Nurses and breastfeeding specialists are available to help if you have questions or need assistance.